This year I decided to try something new with some of my Celebrity tomatoes. I had read that planting them outside the compost bin really made a big difference in the plant. Boy, did it!
To explain the "why" this is true here goes... First of all, the compost bin here holds most of my household compost such as veggie scraps, egg shells, coffee grounds etc. I add other things such as weeds, some soil and yard waste. What happens is that while it all breaks down into lovely compost it rains and washes the compost and nutrients into the surrounding soil. The added bonus of attracting earthworms makes a huge difference in the soil too. I've only had to water the tomatoes these past few weeks as rain here in Texas has all but stopped. No fertilizer additions required and it has plenty of blooms. I like this!
Next is my Clemson Spineless Okra. This is my first year trying this variety. It only grows to 4 ft. tall. This thing is a must to those wanting plenty of okra with little problems. I was told this is as easy as growing weeds here. :) The only warning is to watch for the ants. They'll be all over the place! If it's fire ants, be especially cautious because I have the bites to prove it. Gloves are a must here.
There are three types of spinach. Savoy spinach is rendered distinct by its curly, crinkly leaves and dark green color. It is a tasty addition to fresh salads and sandwiches. Although not native to the United States, it is now grown in the East, the Midwest and the near west. It produces opulently and shows great resistance to cold weather, but since it habitually grows very close to the ground, its mud-covered leaves can be quite a chore to clean. Bloomsdale and Regiment.<a href="http://</a>
ReplyDeleteThe earliest historical mention of spinach comes from Persia, somewhere between 226 to 640 AD. Thanks to the efforts of Arabian agriculture, which included a system of irrigation, spinach was established in the Arabian part of the Mediterranean as early as the 8th century AD. This was no small feat, as the plant does not generally fare that well in hot weather.<a href="http://</a>
ReplyDeleteGoood reading