Great Tree To Attract Butterflies & Bees

We try to include plants and trees around our home that are both super easy to grow and also add some level of use for beneficial insects. One of our favorites we added three years ago was a Vitex tree.

Vitex Vitex agnus-castus also known by Chaste Tree, Lilac Chaste Tree and Monk's Pepper -Its hardy from Zone 6a-9b and can grow up to 20 ft tall. It likes full sun to partial shade and is grown for its nice foliage. If the tree is dead-headed it will encourage more blooms later in the season Its drought tolerant and suitable for xeriscaping. BUT, what sold us on it was the fact we saw how nicely it grew in the grassy median of the interstate  not too far from us. If the tree could survive there, we knew it was the tree for us.

Vitex tree going into its 3rd summer here
American Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa virginiensis)

Better view of the amazing color of this "Painted Lady"
I took these pictures on a very windy day so it was hard to capture the honeybees that were buzzing around the tree.


  1. Melissa, gorgeous pictures. I so wish you could come to Atlanta and whip our yards into shape. It's been a pleasure "meeting" you via the WordCount Blogathon. Best, Alison

  2. Thank you so much, Alison! It's been great "meeting" you also. Atlanta sounds like a nice place to go and garden. Hmmm... :) Best wishes to you also and stop by anytime and see what strange adventure I've gotten myself into around here. You just never know. I hope I can continue to learn more from your blog. Thanks again.


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