Spring Progress

Getting back to my gardens and animals is something I've really looked forward to this year. Many of the things that have occupied my time have come and gone so now I'm ready for some fun. A few updates for this year include the expansion of my raised bed garden.


I have changed the beds from 4x4's to 4x12's. I thought this would allow a lot more workable space and make the space more efficient. I so far have 5 of these beds built in a grid pattern. I'm slowly filling the beds with soil. I recommend the soil mixture used for Square Foot Gardening for most beds. So far I have an herb bed, a strawberry bed and one for flowers. As I fill my other beds I plan on filling them with more strawberries and a possible asparagus bed. Because all of these need to be in an undisturbed area, raised beds reduce the need for weeding. Asparagus is actually a really attractive fern-like plant. I will be happy to see it be used for more than just a quick season of food.

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