
A quick spin through my yard and a few photos on a cool misty day. I just wish I would've known the date stamp was turned "ON" on my camera before I took all of these. Who did this to my camera? I've gotta pretty good idea I think and will be investigating the culprit. *wink*

Meet Minion "The Gatekeeper" guardian of my front door.

My Sunny Knock-Out Rose that I planted last year -- smells great!

Honeysuckle and penstemon blooming

View from in from of my animal enclosure.. wisteria, roses & grapevines galore

Mother's Day gift 2010. Lovin' the blooms

Lets see... penstemon, artemesia, peony, flowering tobacco & privet

A close up of my climbing roses

Clematis -- I love these blooms!

I now officially have the date stamp removed off my camera so I'm hoping the next pictures will be better. Things are moving at such a fast pace here that I'm hoping to keep my blogging moving along at a nice pace now. I love Spring! :)


  1. You must be a bit further south than I am. I have a few flowers that bloomed but it has gotten quite cold here again. Can't wait to get in the garden!

  2. I may be. I am in zone 7B-8A in northeast Texas. We are just heading into our best bloom time for Spring/Early Summer. It depends on our weather which likes to jump from the 60s-90s within a few days. It can be extreme at times, lol.


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