National Wildlife Week - March 16-20, 2009

For those who know me, know that one of my passions is to connect children with nature and the world around them. Many fond memories of childhood come from time I spent outside skipping, hopping and just plain observing the happenings around me. From watching honeybees light onto clover flowers in the fields to collecting leaves and rocks that somehow struck me as interesting, I made my rounds every chance I was given.

There's just a connection with nature that comes when intentional effort is made in observing it. Just how amazingly complex and balanced our world is continues to awe me as I try to organize it in my mind. To imagine that each insect, plant, animal etc. plays a role in keeping our world beautiful and healthy is mind blowing to me. That is why I can't help but get excited at the opportunity to help others connect to world around them.

National Wildlife Federation - Inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future

A quote from NWF website follows:

About National Wildlife Week

Children, teens, and adults are invited to connect with nature in their neighborhood during National Wildlife Week, March 16-20, 2009.

What is National Wildlife Week?

Since 1938, National Wildlife Week has been essential to wildlife conservation, bringing awareness about the issue to people of all ages. Observing National Wildlife Week is a time to honor wildlife, bring communities together through service, ignite the minds of children and adults, and instill an absolute love of nature.

Why Celebrate National Wildlife Week?

An easy way to participate in this week-long event is by making time for outdoor play and interaction with the natural world. Research shows that a daily Green Hour® improves one's physical, mental and emotional well-being. This is especially important for children who typically spend hours in front of electronic media. Additionally, families and communities connected to nature raise healthier kids and inspire a life-long appreciation of wildlife and the environment.

How Do I Get Started?

The National Wildlife Week website offers resources for kids, teens, parents, and educators to make spending time outdoors easier than ever. Download free activities and games, Wildlife Watch lists of local plants and animals, environmental service project ideas, and fact sheets about the benefits of playing outside.

National Wildlife Federation welcomes you to join us during this annual celebration.

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