He Knows No Winter....

Carolina Jessamine blooming in December on my fence

He Knows No Winter

He knows no winter, he who loves the soil,
For, stormy days, when he is free from toil,

He plans his summer crops, selects his seeds

From bright-paged catalogues for garden needs.

When looking out upon frost-silvered fields,
He visualizes autumn's golden yields;

He sees in snow and sleet and icy rain
Precious moisture for his early grain;
He hears spring-heralds in the storm's ' turmoil­

He knows no winter, he who loves the soil.



  1. It may be a zonal thing - but for me, this poem is completely accurate.


    (Though I'm not sure my grammar is!)

  2. I feel that way! I was out in the garden along side the arborist and crew! It was perfect...except for the date and the fairly dry soil it could have been springtime! It was springtime in my hart!

    I love Carolina Jessamine!



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