Something today that many of us, myself included, take for granted are seeds. We expect to go to the store and pick out our seeds each and every year. The hard truth of this is the fact that because we have steered in that direction many of the heirloom seeds that were highly valued by our ancestors have been lost forever.
I'm trying to learn to save seeds. It not only is frugal, but a way to keep many seeds into circulation that have up to this point been in the hands of only a few.
One of my favorite books is Saving Seeds by Suzanne Ashworth. This book is based mostly on vegetable seeds. There are other books on the market that special in other types of plants. With all of the hybrid seeds on the market, getting some good information is such a huge help.
Look what you can do with all of the overgrown okra, lol. I've got plenty of mature pods to dry out and let pop open. I should not only have plenty for my garden next year, but some to share.
I'll post more information on saving seeds later.
I'm a big seed saver, mainly of flowers. From other people's gardens too. When I see something in someones garden that I like I often ask if I can take some seeds. Noone's ever been offended and I usually get a guided tour of their favourite plants. Gardeners like sharing!